Chapter 5 Basic Strategy

Let’s kick things off with a variation of the Luxor trading strategy. This strategy uses two SMA indicators: SMA(10) and SMA(30).

If the SMA(10) indicator is greater than or equal to the SMA(30) indicator we will submit a stoplimit long order to open and close any short positions that may be open. If the SMA(10) is less than the SMA(30) we will submit a stoplimit short order to open and close any open long positions.

If SMA(10) >= SMA(30):

    BTC short, BTO long

Else if SMA(10) < SMA(30): 

    STC long, STO short

Note: Remember we have already set some variables earlier in the book. If you copy and paste the code below by itself you will get errors. There will be complete tutorials listed later in the book.

5.1 Strategy Setup

We load our symbols into symbols.

symbols <- basic_symbols()
getSymbols(Symbols = symbols, 
           src = "yahoo", 
           index.class = "POSIXct",
           from = start_date, 
           to = end_date, 
           adjust = adjustment)
## [1] "IWM" "QQQ" "SPY"

After we’ve loaded our symbols we use FinancialInstrument::stock() to define the meta-data for our symbols. In this case we’re defining the currency in USD (US Dollars) with a multiplier of 1. Multiplier is applied to price. This will vary depending on the financial instrument you are working on but for stocks it should always be 1.

      currency = "USD", 
      multiplier = 1)
## [1] "IWM" "QQQ" "SPY"

Next we’ll assign proper names for our portfolio, account and strategy objects. These can be any name you want and should be based on how you intend to log the data later on. <- "Port.Luxor" <- "Acct.Luxor" <- "Strat.Luxor"

We remove any residuals from previous runs by clearing out the portfolio and account values. At this point for what we have done so far this is unnecessary. However, it’s a good habit to include this with all of your scripts as data stored in memory can affect results or generate errors.


Now we initialize our portfolio, account and orders. We will also store our strategy to save for later.

initPortf(name =,
          symbols = symbols,
          initDate = init_date)
## [1] "Port.Luxor"
initAcct(name =,
         portfolios =,
         initDate = init_date,
         initEq = init_equity)
## [1] "Acct.Luxor"
initOrders(portfolio =,
           symbols = symbols,
           initDate = init_date)
strategy(, store = TRUE)

5.2 Add Indicators

Indicators are functions used to measure a variable. A SMA is just an average of the previous n prices; typically closing price. So SMA(10) is just an average of the last 10 closing prices.

This is where the TTR library comes in; short for Technical Trading Rules. SMA() is a function of TTR as are many other indicators. If you want MACD, RSI, Bollinger Bands, etc., you will use the TTR library.

add.indicator(strategy =,
              name = "SMA",
              arguments = list(x = quote(Cl(mktdata)), 
                               n = 10),
              label = "nFast")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"
add.indicator(strategy =, 
              name = "SMA", 
              arguments = list(x = quote(Cl(mktdata)), 
                               n = 30), 
              label = "nSlow")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"

add.indicator is a function of quantstrat and adds our indicators to our strategy object. For now we’ll use the following parameters:

  • strategy: As we stored our strategy name in the variable all we need to do is pass that variable. Otherwise we would provide a string. Use variables when this will become redundant as we move along.

  • name: Indicator function; for this example SMA. We only pass the name of the function as a character string. Parameters for the function are passed into the arguments parameter…

  • arguments: If we look at ?SMA we see required parameters are x and n with the default n being 10. x is the price object. In our example we are using closing prices.

  • label: Label of the variable that will be added to our dataset. This must be unique for each indicator we add.

Let’s pause for a moment and examine arguments. Notice we’re passing a series of functions to x. If you wanted to access the Close variable of the IWM dataset you would normally do so by calling IWM$Close or IWM[,4]. Here we’re accessing a mktdata data object

mktdata is a special dataset created for each symbol that will store all of our indicators and signals. When the strategy is ran you will see the mktdata object in your environment. It will only exist for the last symbol the strategy executed.

The add.indicator() function (along with add.signal and add.rules which we’ll discuss momentarily) is not evaluated until we run our strategy. All it does is add our specs to the strategy object. When we run our strategy the mktdata object is created for each symbol iteration where our data will be added.

Cl is actually short-hand for Close as you may have guessed. In fact, we have several short-hand functions for our variables:

  • Op(): Open

  • Hi(): High

  • Lo(): Low

  • Cl(): Close

  • Vo(): Volume

  • Ad(): Adjusted

  • OpCl(): Open and Close (n x 2 dataset)

  • HLC(): High, Low and Close (n x 3 dataset)

See the help for any of those symbols above for a more detailed listing.

quote() is a R function that simply wraps the supplied parameter in quotes.

So we’ve added two indicators to our mktdata object, nFast (SMA(10)) and nSlow (SMA(30)). Let’s now add signals.

5.3 Add Signals

Signals are a value given when conditions are met by our indicators. For example, in this strategy we want a signal whenever nFast is greater than or equal to nSlow. We also want another signal where nFast is less than nSlow. We’ll name these signals long and short, respectively.

add.signal(strategy =,
           arguments = list(columns = c("nFast", "nSlow"),
                            relationship = "gte"),
           label = "long")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"
add.signal(strategy =,
           arguments = list(columns = c("nFast", "nSlow"),
                            relationship = "lt"),
           label = "short")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"

Again, we’re passing to the strategy parameter. name takes a function just as it did in add.indicator. Here we’ll use some built-in quantstrat functions. Let’s take a quick look at what’s available:

  • sigComparison: boolean, compare two variables by relationship
    • gt greater than
    • lt less than
    • eq equal to
    • gte greater than or equal to
    • lte less than or equal to
  • sigCrossover: boolean, TRUE when one signal crosses another. Uses the same relationships as sigComparison

  • sigFormula: apply a formula to multiple variables.

  • sigPeak: identify local minima or maxima of an indicator

  • sigThreshold: boolean, when an indicator crosses a value. Uses relationships as identified above.

  • sigTimestamp: generates a signal based on a timestamp.

We’ll attempt to use each of these signals throughout the book when possible.

5.4 Add Rules

We’ve now constructed our nFast and nSlow indicators and generated signals based on those indicators. Now we have to add rules for those signals.

add.rules will determine the positions we take depending on our signals, what type of order we’ll place and how many shares we will buy.

Whenever our long variable (sigcol) is TRUE (sigval) we want to place a stoplimit order (ordertype). Our preference is at the High (prefer) plus threshold. We want to buy 100 shares (orderqty). A new variable EnterLONG will be added to mktdata. When we enter (type) a position EnterLONG will be TRUE, otherwise FALSE. This order will not replace any other open orders.

add.rule(strategy =,
         name = "ruleSignal",
         arguments = list(sigcol = "long",
                          sigval = TRUE,
                          orderqty = 100,
                          ordertype = "stoplimit",
                          orderside = "long", 
                          threshold = 0.0005,
                          prefer = "High", 
                          TxnFees = -10, 
                          replace = FALSE),
         type = "enter",
         label = "EnterLONG")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"

If our short variable (sigcol) is TRUE (sigval) we will place another stoplimit order (ordertype) with a preference on the Low (prefer). We will sell 100 shares (orderqty). This order will not replace any open orders (replace).

         name = "ruleSignal",
         arguments = list(sigcol = "short",
                          sigval = TRUE,
                          orderqty = -100,
                          ordertype = "stoplimit",
                          threshold = -0.005, 
                          orderside = "short", 
                          replace = FALSE, 
                          TxnFees = -10, 
                          prefer = "Low"),
         type = "enter",
         label = "EnterSHORT")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"

We now have rules set up to enter positions based on our signals. However, we do not have rules to exit open positions. We’ll create those now.

Our next rule, Exit2SHORT, is a simple market order to exit (type) when short is TRUE (sigcol, sigval). This closes out all long positions (orderside, orderqty). This order will replace (replace) any open orders.

         name = "ruleSignal", 
         arguments = list(sigcol = "short", 
                          sigval = TRUE, 
                          orderside = "long", 
                          ordertype = "market", 
                          orderqty = "all", 
                          TxnFees = -10, 
                          replace = TRUE), 
         type = "exit", 
         label = "Exit2SHORT")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"

Lastly, we close out any short positions (orderside) when long is TRUE (sigcol, sigval). We will exit (type) at market price (ordertype) all open positions (orderqty). This order will replace any open orders we have (replace).

         name = "ruleSignal", 
         arguments = list(sigcol = "long", 
                          sigval = TRUE, 
                          orderside = "short", 
                          ordertype = "market", 
                          orderqty = "all", 
                          TxnFees = -10, 
                          replace = TRUE), 
         type = "exit", 
         label = "Exit2LONG")
## [1] "Strat.Luxor"

TxnFees are transaction fees associated with an order. This can be any value you choose but should accurately reflect the fees charged by your selected broker. In addition, we only show them here on exits. Some brokers charge fees on entry positions as well. TxnFees can be added to any rule set.

If you’re not sure what fees your selected broker charges - what’s wrong with you? Go find out now. Some retail brokers (TD Ameritrade, ETrade) will charge under $10 per position on unlimited shares; some such as Interactive Brokers or TradeStation will charge even less depending on the number of shares. $10 is a good starting point.

5.5 Apply Strategy

Now we get to the fun part! Do or die. Here we’ll find out if we built our strategy correctly or if we have any errors in our code. Cross your fingers. Let’s go!

cwd <- getwd()
results_file <- paste("results",, "RData", sep = ".")
if( file.exists(results_file) ) {
} else {
    results <- applyStrategy(, portfolios =
    if(checkBlotterUpdate(,, verbose = TRUE)) {
        save(list = "results", file = results_file)

Awesome! We know that at least our code is good.

applyStrategy() is the function we will run when we have a straight strategy. What I mean by that is a strategy that doesn’t test different parameters. We’ll get to that type of testing later.

You can see it’s a pretty simple call; we just pass our variable as the first parameter and our portfolio as the second parameter. There is no need to get into additional parameters at the moment.

We won’t show the results of any more applyStrategy runs to save space. Just know that if you get trade output you should be good.

Next we update our portfolio and account objects. We do this with the updatePortf(), updateAcct() and updateEndEq() functions. updatePortf calculates the P&L for each symbol in symbols. updateAcct calculcates the equity from the portfolio data. And updateEndEq updates the ending equity for the account. They must be called in order.

We also use the checkBlotterUpdate() mentioned in 3.3. We’re looking for a TRUE value to be returned. Anything FALSE will need to be researched. (If you forgot to clear our your portfolio or strategy with the rm.strat() call mentioned earlier this can result in a FALSE value).

If checkBlotterUpdate returns true we save the results and our strategy (save.strategy) as a RData file into our _data directory. We’ll use them for analysis later.